It's a really bad idea for me to start a blog right now, because it's nearing finals week and I should be studying and writing the three 8-10 page papers that I have due within a week or so. I guess one of the many things I've learned in college is that I'm really good at procrastinating for as long as possible and then doing things at the last second. But I suppose that's probably true of a lot of college students.
Anyways, I have decided to embark upon the journey of keeping a blog and writing in it regularly. I have a confession to make...I actually have had several blogs in the past and deleted them or neglected them because I decided that I didn't really like the stuff I wrote in them anymore but didn't want to delete all the posts and start over. But this time, I'm going to try really hard to commit and to actually write things that are mildly interesting. I can't make any promises about the interesting part, but I'll give it my best!
So I guess since this is the first post on this blog, I'll introduce myself a little bit :) My name is Ashley, I'm 20 years old (21 on June 26th!). I'm currently a junior in college studying English Lit. as well as TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). I live in the Midwest, so a huge part of my life has been snow-filled and freezing cold.
I've seen other bloggers doing a thing called BEDA (Blog Every Day in April)...and I'm sad that I started my blog too late to jump on that bandwagon. I don't usually like jumping on bandwagons, but that could have been an interesting challenge. Oh well, there's always August! (I just found out today that Maureen Johnson isn't doing it until August, anyways. So I'm kind of okay with it.)
For now, I'll leave you with a quote out of Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Can't Avoid
, a Lemony Snicket book I recently bought (and am thoroughly enjoying):